Great fun, but MAJOR plot holes
If these have been discussed, forgive me. If they've been resolved, I'd like to hear how.
So, we’re meant to think the police never wondered why Ned would’ve killed Matty? With another arson device yet (not too suspicious)? And stuck around to watch her blow up? None of it makes any sense.
For the fake Matty’s plan to work, the ME’s report needed to show that the real Matty died as a result of the explosion. So how did the fake Matty keep her incapacitated in the boathouse for hours? She must’ve been heavily drugged – but that would have shown up in the coroner’s report. How could she have been seen by Oscar walking to the boathouse while she had enough drugs in her system to make her unconscious at the same time?
And isn’t it a dandy coincidence that Ned ran into the lawyer who steered the fake Matty to him? That’s the cheapest trick in the script.
One poster posited that the fake Matty planned it all - Teddy's alerting him to the boathouse bomb, the lawyer telling Ned about meeting Matty. Please - talk about reaching. A well-plotted script doesn't leave you grasping for explanations - especially if there's a scene (like Ned & Oscar's in the jailhouse) that's there to tie up loose ends. The items above are simply flaws in the script.
The director's visual cues - the hustler in the mens room, the clown, the hat, the sitting ducks - I found superfluous.
Other posters have asked how Matty just happened to be at the bandshell concert the same night as Ned. That didn’t bother me. I assume she tailed him, knew his haunts and schedule, discovered he did the bandshell concerts regularly, and set that as the place for him to see and approach her.
All that said, Body Heat is still an enjoyable noir with terrific performances from Hurt, Turner and the overlooked Richard Crenna. The holes stand out in high relief b/c so much of the film is so well done.