Elizabeth Hoy

I can't seem to find any info about Elizabeth Hoy, the angelic-looking but murderous little girl. Can anyone confirm that she died in 2003 as a result of an accident? I certainly hope not!

Batches? We don' need no stinkin' batches!!

Treasure of the Sierra Madre AND Blazing Saddles.


Wow, that's really odd because I was just thinking Elizabeth strongly resembled a friend of mine who lived down the street from us who also died the same year.

Aside from Bloody Birthday, I saw her in a Father Murphy role where she played a really nice girl who one of the boys had a crush on. Excellent episode of her!

If you find anything more on whether that is true of Elizabeth, please post.



Hi again, I found a site that said an Elizabeth Hoy was killed in a tragic accident on April 25, 1993, but it wasn't the child actress! They said that they'd had inquiries about the actress, and that it definitely wasn't "our" Elizabeth Hoy. So that leaves us with the mystery of her whereabouts!

Batches? We don' need no stinkin' batches!!

Treasure of the Sierra Madre AND Blazing Saddles.


Thanks for posting this! The woman that died looked a lot like her in my opinion. I’d be up for trying to track her down on social networks and yellow pages.
