lol I totally agree with the OP.
I thought the EXACT same things as him. I also thought why didn't the kid try to feel up the girlfriend's tits since he already killed her boyfriend and then her. He already committed MURDER, so if he could get away with THAT, then he could also of course get away with feeling all over a freshly dead girl's tits before the body lost enough blood to not feel soft and smooth anymore. He was also totally sick in the head.
(and also if he couldn't get away with it and eventually get caught.... he could've, would've felt her tits to get him jail time's worth.)
I'd also like to add that the boyfriend should have covered up then drove somewhere else instead of going out naked looking for whoever the noise maker was. Driving somewhere else would have also reduced the chance of someone ELSE seeing his girlfriend naked.
To respond to some of the responses so far, a guy wouldn't willingly show himself with no care if his FRIENDS saw him naked cuz they were pulling a prank (not unless he was gay and wanted his friends to be impressed with it for them to also get it on with him)
And from what I heard even in the 70's and 80's most people wouldn't want their GIRLFRIENDS to be f ucking in orgies with a bunch of other guys! Their friends with benefits maybe, but they wouldn't want their own girlfriends to be with other guys.