MovieChat Forums > Hill Street Blues (1981) Discussion > Chief Daniels' Funniest Moment!

Chief Daniels' Funniest Moment!

When Perez has (cough) "rescued" a family from a burning building and arrives back at the station house all covered in ash, Fletcher grabs him (literally) and parades him in front of the camera (with the unfortunate rescued mother under the other arm) enthusing about what a fine officer he is, a credit to his race etc. Perez excuses himself to go clean up, then Joe Coffee emerges. Daniels smilingly grabs Joe and continues his tribute to camera - "Not me Chief, him" Joe says, indicating Perez!

(Daniels, a brilliantly portrayed, loathsome reptile, later throws Frank under the bus, blaming HIM for the fact that he [Daniels] jumped the gun with the canonisation of Perez!)


It was during a 1st season episode, when Furillo shows up at the gym where Daniels is playing handball. Chief starts telling Frank a story about the Italian-American association were warning him he couldn't do something and Daniels says,"I told them no and I didn't want a bunch of wops..." he stops talking and Frank gives him that look. Priceless.

Spenser with an "S", like the poet.


Daniels had some great lines. His sympathy for someone with haemmoroids was priceless, "it's like having a tennis ball rammed up there"
