A Well Thought-Out Reply
One thing that I would really like to do is stimulate some conversation on this page as well as other pages on this site. In an attempt to do so, I have started three new threads and responded to two existing threads. However, things seem to by stagnating at the moment. I am now going to try another approach. You see, the title of this thread is the same title that I gave to a thread that I posted on a "Gimme a Break!" page of a site that has since gone out of business. It has to do with the first season episode called the "Emergency". I have already written about that episode on this page and called my thread, "A Classic Line". I would like to now refer back to Nell's interaction with the little busy body on the hospital pay phone. After the lady on the phone refused to listen to reason, Nell took the lady's purse, hung it on a gurney poll and the gurney started to roll down the hall. She then poked the lady and said "your purse, your purse!" The lady then, dropped the receiver and went charging after her purse. Several years ago, I proposed a question to a female poster that I met on that site. I asked her if she thought that having to go charging after her purse served her right for hogging the pay phone, referring to Nell as some pushy woman and thinking she was so hotsy totsy. My friend responded by saying that, yes, she thinks that for Hazel Shermet's character to have to chase down her purse after Nell placed it on a gurney poll served her right for carrying on a meaningless conversation with her friend when Nell had to make an emergency call home. I was very impressed with how much thought my friend had to put into what I asked to come up with a response like this. What do any of you think of any of this?