THEY REMOVED ALL OF THE SONGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!
Ok, I am PISSED OFF!!!!!
I just grabbed some time to watch a few minutes of "The Fall Guy" complete season one set, and so far THIS SUCKS. I put on a few moments of the pilot film to see if they indeed did edit out Paul Williams WHICH THEY DID and now I am shocked and sickened to see that ALL of the SONGS were removed(at least from the ones that I have seen).
I popped in one of my top 5 episodes "COLT'S ANGELS" where Colt and company join a drugged out biker gang of madmen and madwomen and I discovered that THOSE KILLER BIKER SONGS ARE MISSING!!!! Non-descript music replaces classic songs like The Eagles' "Take it Easy", The Boss' "Born to be Wild" Juice Newton's "Playin' with the Queen of Hearts" and all of the other tunes!!!! I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!! Thank GOD for my mint LPP uncut and unaltered 16mm film prints with the songs intact!
I bet that all of the other songs are missing bastards.
One of my favorites was "Poor Poor Pittiful Me" (by Linda Ronstadt) used at the opening of "The Silent Partner."
I wonder if this was done with "Knight Rider", too on DVD?
I guess the bright side is that my uncut and unchanged 96 of the 110 episodes plus unaired pilot movie are now worth more than thye were 48 hours ago when this inferior product was released!
MAN, what a DOWNER!!!!