Is this the one....???

Man, I think I remember this gem way back from the HBO glory days of the early 80's..Is there a scene in this movie where an alien in the woods throws some kind of frisbee like organism/creature at someone? If so, has this movie ever been properly released on DVD?


It is - you remember the exact scene I did from my childhood. It looked like the throwing weapon from Krull HAHAHA.


yeah except this one had teeth

SharkattackUK- "Shoot me again, I ain't dead yet!"


Is this the movie where at the end the guy is killed when 'his earthy disguise was dammaged' and the two people shot him?


Yes, the flying disk thing is one of just a couple of scenes which stuck in my mind.

The only other element I could remember is that Martin Landau appeared in the movie. So I started looking up his films in the range late 70's to early 80's here on IMDB. Boy, did he work on some crappy, low-budget movies during that period. Amazing that his career was resurrected into something considerably more respectable. (Check out his performance in "Crimes and Misdemeaners" by Woody Allen - great stuff.)


Boy, did he work on some crappy, low-budget movies during that period.

Yeah, like "The Being" (1983). Lucky that I like those kind of movies!

"Slip forward and break out the heavy-weather hook!"
