Crass comedy

One of the many great aspects of Used Cars is its unapologetic crassness, without the slightest reliance on the cheap fart jokes and drug references that litter the far less funny comedies of today (Seth MacFarlane, Adam Sandler, Seth Rogen). Yep, Used Cars featured a lot of T&A, but it did it well...


I'm a (big) fan of Seth MacFarlane, but I completely get what you're saying.

Used Cars is kind of in its own league.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


I actually love Seth MacFarlene when he's at his best. But, Used Cars still feels like its way ahead of its time in the balls that it displays. It makes the shabbiest of humanity into saints and visionary. This is a wonderfully entertaining film.

Do you want to know what's really sad about modern audiences? I've seen this in my own very young, very hip aunt. They think that a movie like Tammy with Melissa McCarthy is hilarious... even though, they never actually laugh out loud at anything in the movie. BUT, they think Used Cars is stupid. It's hard to fathom how someone watching the most humorless, talentless hacks on screen can look at "We're gonna blow the sh!t out of high prices" and actually say that.

I guess movies like Used Cars are so good, it's easy for modern audiences to take the talent involved in making them for granted.


Nicely said. Used Cars is a one of a kind comedy movie.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!


I agree.

Yeah well, history is gonna change
