Times Square Script?

I'm a big fan of the 1980 movie Times Square and am very interested in getting ahold of the *original* script of this movie for a read (with the GoG subtext intact). If anyone knows how i might go about finding a copy, would you please email [email protected] [remove "NOSPAM" to mail]Please include TIMES SQUARE SCRIPT in the subject header so i can weed it out from all the spams.

Ta much in advance!


Dude, did this work? Did you get a copy of the script? I'm dying for one, and all I can think to do is email the webmasters for the Trini and Robin fan sites. Allan doesn't seem to have a web presence, or I'd... I'd.... I don't know what I'd do. Leave a long rambling guestbook entry, maybe.


You may find the script here -- not sure which draft it is:



We shall see what draft it tis.

Basically, I'm just keen to get the entirety of the "Your ribs are my ladder, Nikki.." poem. Heh.


agriffinhall, did you ever get the script? Worth investing in?


...YES! It is a sound investment!

For only ten dollars, my love for this movie was finally vindicated by a coherent narrative - untampered by Robert Stigwood and his gang. All the
continuity gaps are filled, most especially how Nicky and Pammie were capable of evading the police. The danger of living on the street is addressed
directly, proving that Moyle, Brackman and company were by no means oblivious
to the hazards facing runaway girls. Plus, the script reintroduces characters
that were excised from the script - most notably a wandering derelict who bears
and intimate bond with the character of Nicky Marrota.

Upon receiving the script in the mail, my wife and I curled up on the couch and performed a reading for our own entertainment. She read the role of Pammie, while I was Nicky ;D. It was a satisfying read, and while we knew it was improbable as all hell, we hoped some daring talent would take the script and reshoot it. I mean damn, if crap "The Hills Have Eyes" and "The Omen" can be remade, why not the lovely diamond-in-the-rough that is "Times Square?"


... is the 'original' script good enough to sustain itself without Robin Johnson as Nicky?

And would Johnny get to keep his monkey?


What a wonderful film- cult classic!



Hey! You never told me that! I don't think the Script Shack version has a date or revision number on it, but now I gotta dig it up and check.

If you have another version... that's Big! You owe it to your fans to photocopy it and send it to me :))

(There are too many boards to keep checking regularly for TS and RJ talk... but it wasn't too long ago there weren't any! So, yay for us.)


