This film is awful.

I can't think of a suitable place to begin with this rant. I've just this minute finnished watching the movie, and everything about it is awful. The lousy acting (especially Reeve and Stamp), the obvious special effects, the writing and dialogue in this movie can only be described as shoddy and borish at best.
I hope that Zack Snyder can bring the franchise back from the hangover that's been left by a series of morons.

That is all.



Sure it's cheesy and broad as customary for this type of film, but it never crosses the line to outright idiocy. It's also quite entertaining and adventurous with some nice scenery and stuff. Liked it much better than the Star Wars follow-up from the same year.

"facts are stupid things" Ronald Reagan


Drop dead trash

check yourself before you wreck yourself BOI!!


"That is all. "

No, it damn well isn't.

I find it interesting that you deem 'this film' to be 'awful', without even MENTIONING the story AT ALL.

You mention only superficial qualities (which you either lie about, or have no understanding of) that have nothing to do with the story itself, that 'the film' EXISTS to tell the viewer - the very reason of the movie's existence completely slips by you, when you think you have written 'all' and criticized it properly. Huh? How?

Your post is WAY more awful than anything in 'this film' - at least have the decency to use proper punctuation when exclaiming that something is as bad as 'awful' - that kind of remark absolutely requires an exclamation point, not a period! Think about saying that in a restaurant about your soup - would you just laconically 'state' it like a robot, or would there be some passion behind your statement that would actually require an exclamation point?

'This soup is awful.'
'This soup is awful!'

Which sounds more realistic? If 'this film' was SO bad you deem it 'awful', to such an extent you actually get triggered enough to write a post about it, the LEAST you can do is use a God damn exclamation point!


It was decent at the time. A vast improvement over the first one which was astonishingly bad.

Agreed the acting was horrendous.
