Sex or Nudity

Is there any in this film? My son wants to watch it but I don't allow that stuff.

If all you're going to do is comment about how it is ok to see heads explode, but not ok to see boobs, don't comment.


If I recall correctly, there is no sex or nudity in the movie. There may be some disturbing innuendo, but that part of the movie's dialogue is fuzzy in my mind. So, there may be no innuendo at all.


<If all you're going to do is comment about how it is ok to see heads explode, but not ok to see boobs, don't comment.

That's exactly what I was gonna say, at first. But its very violent. I think I see where you're getting at, though; watching a sex scene with family is a lot harder and awkward than a head being severed. The kids gotta learn about the birds and the bees someday, why not a CRASH course with Cronenberg:


Because this is sort of a community, we do love to hear ourselves talk. So - out of curiousness, how old is your son?

The devil you know is less scary than the saint you don't-which is a bit of a shame really...


And to give you a non-judgmental reply, the film has absolutely no sex or nudity. Tons of violence, mild language, but no nudity. It's a great way to introduce your son to Cronenberg without having to explain some of his kinks that pop up in most of his films.


If all you're going to do is comment about how it is ok to see heads explode, but not ok to see boobs, don't comment.

Your son will grow up to become a rapist. You can help change the world.


In Finland this film has been reviewed 4 times already by the Valtion elokuvatarkastamo, which is a professional and official board that rates movies.
The number at the end means the age to which aged children the movie is not harmful.
So a movie being K3 isn't necessarily a childrens' movie. It is just not harmful to children that are 3 years old (and older).

The possible stamps they have (today's situation) is K3, K7, K11, K13, K15 and K18.

For others you can see the film when with an adult if you are 2 years or less younger than the stamp. K18 is an exeption and you need to 18 years old to see that movie.

The board is gathered from media and childcare experts so I'd say their opinion is usually quite good.

Here are how this board have reviewed the Scanners over years:

Jul 27th 1981: K18
Apr 12th 1990: K18
Nov 22nd 1996: K15 (The Offical Ruling)
Nov 11th 2000: K16

So now the Scanners have K15 rating. In the official ruling there were 2 opinions that said it should be K18 and two that said it should be K15 while the other reviews have been unanimous.

So my opinion is this:
For sure there is no nudity in this film, but unless your child is 13 years old or older I wouldn't recommend him this movie.




Goodness forbid your son sees an unholy, unnatural nipple. But that run-of-the-mill head explosion will be fine, juuuuust fine.

We've met before, haven't we?
