Remember back in the late 50's, there were articles in Popular Mechanics and other magazines that said that by the 1990's we would be tacking vacation trips to the moon and building our own flying cars in our garage? Well, reality is never as glamorous as imagination.
Countries w/0 the rule of law (and some with) are pouring untold tax dollars into creating 'super soldiers'. Maybe not in the telekinesis field, but I am sure they are tinkering with genetics and experimental drugs to create a smarter, faster, stronger soldier.
No one is trying to "create" an army of Super Solders. That may have been great for a 1940's Flash Gordon movie, but the reality is that most governments have made no secret of the fact that they are trying to develop "Drone" and Intel technologies to a point where solders are not as important or needed at all.
The CIA had a project in the 60's called MK Ultra in which they tried to use LSD to create 'zombie assassins'.
You don't need a late night sci-fi movie mind control plot to create zombie assassins. Just poor desperate people who are willing to listen to anyone and who drive into a crowd of innocent people and blow themselves up for a cause. Just or otherwise.
The Wizard of OZ....A story of two women fighting over a pair of shoes