MovieChat Forums > Raise the Titanic (1980) Discussion > With the success of Sahara..... (And oth...

With the success of Sahara..... (And other Cussler books to film)

Does anyone else think that they should remake this film, using the same actors?

I personally think it'd work. Just as long as they use the same actors, and director of Sahara.

With modern film making techniques, this remake could be eye-popping to say the least.

Speaking of which, I think that Night Probe, Iceberg, and Vixen 01 would also make good books to film as well.

Anyone else think so too?


Well, since Sahara was not successfull, I doubt it. However, it would be cool to see.


I think they would be awesome movies, but since Clive Cussler is actually suing the company that did Saraha due to disagreements with the movie's changes, I doubt Cussler is going to let another one of his books be made into a movie. Too bad though. I'm re-reading Atlantis Found and it would make a great movie.


yea its a really big shame, all Cusslers books are excellent, and they would make great movie material, but thanks to a couple of major stuff ups, its very unlikely that their will be another Dirk Pitt (or any other character for that matter) movie...


It IS a shame. Raise the Titanic, Treasure of Khan, The Mediterranean Caper, and Vixen 03 would make excellent movies; personally, I loved Sahara. It was different from the book but still very enjoyable.



How could they remake raise the titanic,since its discovery in 1984,it was found to be in 3 pieces and its too fragile to bring up now.


since when was sarhara a sucess, the studio claim they lost 80million dollors on that film.


Cussler hated the film versions of his books. After "Raise the Titanic" he refused to sell the rights. "Sahara", he relnted, but turned out the same. He hated the outcome and sued the producers. We won't be seeing any more Cussler novels. Not while he's alive anyway.



You would be a control freak too if you've spent 20+ years creating these well loved characters and stories that are obviously very popular. Does he have the right to be an egomaniac about his stories? Absolutely, they are HIS stories that HE wrote. He isn't inexperienced in translating books to movies, he has never written a screenplay. OTHER people are the issue with it. If he actually wrote the screenplay, he wouldn't have anything to complain about, and the movies would be truer to his books.
Just because he actually writes Clive Cussler himself into the books is much less ego than other authors who write the main character after themselves and just change a name. Of course, being an author gives you the right to do whatever you want with characters. It's creative license, and he's gotten so much fan mail saying fans enjoy his own inclusion in the novels that if he didn't, it would probably be less popular.



but they also really screwed up sahara if you've rread the book


A movie about raising the Titanic? I seriously doubt anyone would waste their time. Keep in mind that when this movie was made in 1980 the location of Titanic was still unknown. Since 1980, we have seen hundreds if not thousands of photos of the chip at the bottom. Everyone interested in the wreck knows there is nothing to raise and such a remake would require suspension of belief.


I have to agree with "phynyx" there, he has every right to be "uppity" with Hollywood because they always bastardise every other writers books... even I wouldn't trust them with my novels (when they come out). You think that they would learn by now that treating a really good story as some cheap, quick profit does more harm than good... think of the hours of lives that are being wasted by their rubbish and the poor writers who get shafted by these "Hollywood suits".

As for a remake, I very much doubt it, especially today with every one actually knowing the ship is in two pieces (NOT THREE!). Most folks will just kick up a fuss when they even spot a trailer for such a concept as RtT - probably think it's a sequel to Cameron's film.

Well I didn't expect a kind-of Spanish Inquisition!


UNLESS the remake was set in the mid to late 70's (when the book was written) and the ship is found intact and raised, but there's a conflict with the Russians that leads to the ship being blown in half and sink back to the bottom in two to three pieces, only to be found by Robert Ballard in a few short years...


I would love it if they did remake RtT, and turn "Night Probe" into a movie ... but sadly they never will. And I don't blame Cussler one bit. Not that I didn't love both movies, but as far as "Sahara" went, I didn't think Zahn or Wilson fit the characters, IMHO.

I am re-reading RtT right now. With all of Cussler's Pitt books, I find myself imagining the characters in a movie and how they would film this scene and that. I think that is what makes his books so enjoyable -- few writers have inspired my imagination that way.

I was 8 years old when I first read RtT, it was my first Cussler novel.

"When you're on the Titanic, you load the lifeboats; you don't stop to yell at the iceberg."
