It's Too Late.

I really like this movie - in fact, the more I watch it, the more I like it - but I have no idea why it was made, about this absolutely monster of a man. By the time we see Jack La Motta's vulnerabilities (like his insecurities when it comes to Vicki) we have already seen his monstrous side. I know they were trying to cast him in a sympathetic light, but by the time they did this, it was too late, I felt no sympathy for him - anyone with me on this?

"You'll pay? I'm there."


I think you touch on a couple points that Scorsese intentionally addresses. For one in a typical film with a typical narrative arch, we, as audience members, would develop sympathy for la motta and overlook his personal demons. The film's climactic scene would be a drawn out take of the title fight. However in this film the personal demons are overwhelming and, much like real life, cannot be overlooked. Similarly after the title fight, there's still another half hour or forty minutes left in the film. It's just about defending the belt after he's won it. Scorsese throws out the traditional character that the viewer can sympathize with to portray the senselessness and endless nature of violence. It almost mocks the idea of the audience identifying to strongly with a fighter. Furthermore, la motta is a monster but maybe there's something not so singular about his character. In the opening scene, the crowd breaks out into a brawl. Perhaps la motta is a manifestation of the everyday violence of ordinary, working-class (poor) people. And what if they are merely enacting proletariat despair. Just an idea. I'm not sure what the traditional reading of this film is.


yea I see where you're going with this , and yes I agree.. some one mentioned he was bi-polar in a prev post.. maybe that had something to do with his behavior.. that would explain some of it,, but yea I didn't have any sympathy for him at all.
are you going to bark all day little doggie,, or are you going to bite


I agree, he was unlikeable!
