Jake or Jack?

I just saw this movie for the first time, and while I thought it was brilliant, there was just one small thing that kept bothering me.

Every time Joey says Jake's name, I keep hearing him say, "Jack." I turned the subtitles on about halfway through to see if I was going crazy, but even though I was reading "Jake" in the subtitles, I still kept hearing him say "Jack."

Is it me? Is Joey (Pesci's character) saying Jack, maybe as a nickname for his brother Jake or something? Or am I really just mishearing this?

I know it is silly, but it's driving me crazy, so any information on this would be appreciated. Even if it is just me mishearing things. Thank you!


He was born 'Giacobbe'. His brother calls him 'Jack' for short.

I hope this helps.

Drifting through lost latitudes with no compass and no chart


You aren't mishearing anything. Pesci calls him Jack, a sign of their closeness, as he is the only one who calls him that.
