MovieChat Forums > Raging Bull (1980) Discussion > De Niro's acting has more of an impact t...

De Niro's acting has more of an impact than the film

I thought the film was good but I prefer other fighting films such as The Fighter and The Warrior. However De Niro's acting is simply outstanding, I'm no film critic nor am i an expert but the acting is so good i was genuinely terrified of La Motta. I found myself hating the boxer and being scared of what he might do next, especially when it came to his wife, Vicky. I was wondering if anyone else felt a hatred to La Motta as i don't remember ever feeling this way about a film's main character before. Thoughts?


Definitely. De Niro is so convincing in this role that I found myself despising everything about him. Not just the paranoia driven wife abuse but every aspect of his being. The way he courted Vickie at the pool. The way he treated his brother. The way he dressed. His stupid face, stupid looking hair. The best part of the movie for me was when his fat arse got thrown into jail and those rednecks in Florida smacked him around and put him into solitary.



I completely agree (Raging Bull isn't really a fighting film like those other two though... but I digress). Although this film is a masterpiece on every level of great film-making in my book, De Niro's performance is so terrifyingly real, it arguably overshadows everything else going on in the film. LaMotta was a very despicable person (he was even worse in real life) and De Niro's portrayal definitely makes you feel nothing but disgust.

You want something corny? You got it!


This is not a boxing movie, it is a character study. You are supposed to despise him. In the end i believe he finds redemption.The final scene (monologue) is a classic.


You don't remember ever feeling that way about a film's main character. That's on purpose. This isn't your typical Hollywood BS.


De Niro's acting has more of an impact than the film

Agreed. De niro's acting is the only reason i rate this movie just above average

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefsī²


He's so good that I can see why some people prefer Rocky and dislike the movie because they think he's a one dimensional character.


just watched this film and i just have to say this. this is not a fighting film, it was just the background they set for a character study like another person pointed out. and yeah, De Niro delivered here, his portrayal of La Motta is scary, his pathologic jealousy was not acting, it was real. what else can i say about him. i watched a lot of his films and every single time i finish one of his films i'm left speechless about his talent.

Now for your question, i'm not quite sure i felt hatred towards him, i did feel scared of what he might do to his wife though. The feeling i got for him mostly was pity, as all his actions outside of the ring show how little of a man he is. Well thats De Niro, making me feel genuine pity for a movie character.
