The Definition of Happy
From the character of Beth, played by Mary Tyler Moore (during the golf course scene):
"Happy? Ward, you tell me the definition of happy, huh? But first you better make sure your kids are good and safe. That no one's fallen off a horse, or been hit by a car, or drowned in that swimming pool you're so proud of. And then you come to me and tell me how to be happy."
video clip:
This is the line from the movie that stuck with me the most, but I don't really know what it means. Beth is an interesting character--highly flawed, but not evil. Is she blowing off steam about how no one understands her anxieties? She gets criticized for not attempting to see things from other people's point of view (specifically Conrad's), but here she seems to be arguing that no one else is doing the same for her. We can't truly understand another person's anguish, no matter how hard we try to. We're all on our own, we have to help ourselves.
I just made all that up in 60 seconds.^^ The next time I analyze it, I'll probably come up with a different result. But I want to hear what other people think about Beth's Definition of Happy. What does she mean? share