Intelligent design?

Haven't seen the film. Might be interested. From some of the comments I've read it sounds like it might be a proponent of intelligent design. Is this true?

If it does get into arguments about God's existence, is it balanced?


"I choose to think there is no free will..."


Watch it and find out.


>If it does get into arguments about God's existence, is it balanced?

No. Not meant to be. It's quite pro-theist. But that doesn't make it any less enjoyable, even to me, a lifelong atheist.




Yeah, I agree. It definitely has a message about God's existence, but it's not preachy. I don't personally believe in God, but the way that it's portrayed in the film is appropriate and it doesn't detract me from enjoying the film at all because of the benevolence in the way they approach the subject.
