Suicide Manner

Hi. I've been wanting to see this movie for a while, but I heard that in one of the versions (or several), Kane commits suicide. I don't know why, but wrist-slitting has always been a big problem for me. I can watch any form of suicide except that one. Anyone know if Kane kills himself in this manner? Thanks!



He does indeed. However, you don't see it happen. By the time you realize what he's done, it's over.



He does it under a blanket so you do not see the act of cutting itself.


There is one version of the film (and it shows up in the first novel) in which Kane deliberately kills himself. Now, suicide is a mortal sin from the Catholic standpoint, but it's not exactly clear that when Kane kills himself he's committing suicide. Suicide (from the Catholic point of view, and Kane is a Catholic) isn't merely the act of taking one's own life, because the motive has to be taken into account as well. If you throw yourself on a hand grenade to save the lives of other people, that's not suicide (because your basic motive is not to do away with yourself)-- but if you kill yourself out of despair or ennui because you can't be arsed to go on living anymore, that's a different kettle of fish. I think the version in which Kane allows himself to die (having been stabbed by the bikers) comes closer to the spirit of the story.


By the way, if Kane allowed himself to die (rather than killing himself), he threw himself on Cutshaw's spiritual hand grenade...


I think your karma just ran over his dogma.


