Biker gang in the beginning of the film...
Incredible movie...I really love the subtle hints and foreshadowing in Blatty's films.
In this one, the scene in the beginning when Kane is arriving at the castle in his car, we see the gang of bikers riding off wildly with what appears to be some kind of kidnapped victim in the back of their truck.
I love the lack of explanation; Even in the director commentary, they don't talk about this little scene. But did anyone who read the novel (haven't read it yet) find any background on the biker gang? I mean, is there any explanation or other details about this random guy they kidnap in the beginning? Or did I miss something in the film?
I have to assume it was some kind of important or rich guy who Stanley and Co. wanted to rape and torture, emphasizing how evil and sadistic they actually are. Originally I thought this victim was someone from the castle and had some connection to the plot, but I guess not.
Any ideas or speculation about this part???