I didn't get the ending

Why is the medal a 'sign'?

When flesh hits the telepod.


Because it was Kane's medal..

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room."


The medal was given to Kane by Cutsaw early in the film.


I have to agree with a friend of mine that it is a bit hokey, but I'm okay with it. :)

The "sign" was that Cutshaw gave his St. Christopher medal to Kane earlier in the movie (as stated in a previous post), so Cutshaw finding his medal in the car was a miracle (as it should have been with Kane, or simply anywhere BUT in the back of Cutshaw's car).

PS: St. Christopher is the patron saint of travelers, and was also a factor in THE EXORCIST (the falling medal you see during Father Karras' dreams is a St. Christopher medal).
