Brilliant film

This was recommended to me years ago by someone whose opinion I respected.

15-20 minutes in, I thought he must be nuts, because it was so over the top and apparently stupid. Just bad. Luckily I hung in 30 minutes and more, and then I got where it was going. Was riveted from that point on. To the point where it's one of my top 10 favorite films.

The writing and acting (once you give it a chance) are superb, as is the screenplay.


I agree. I watched it few years ago and I forgot a lot of details by now (can't discuss about details), but I remember being riveted by it. I also know that it's not everyone's cup of tea, but I loved it.


Isn't it a great film? I've met precious few people who've heard of it, let alone seen it. True, I'm sure it's not everyone's cup of tea, but it's an unusually intelligent and riveting (and at times very funny) film, once you get past and understand the beginning.

Definitely a hidden gem of a film.


For the people who think about watching it, I would say that it has a somewhat similar feel like Shutter Island. But that is just a superficial resemblance.

The power of the movie 9th configuration lies mostly in dialogue. The scene I remember most is the bar scene (cause dialogue can be forgotten easier than visuals) I discovered it by accident, researching old movies by Stacy Keach, then I read about the "twist in the movie" and got interested. I'm glad I did.


I agree it's a superficial resemblance. Honestly, I can't think of any other film it resembles, and also agree it's the dialogue and plot (i.e. writing) that makes it. The bar scene is a shocker. Too violent for me, actually, but overall well worth it in the end.

It's an extraordinary. little-known film that should be much better known than it is. For some reason I can't fathom, it's never made it as a cult film, yet should. Blatty is more than famous enough for The Exorcist, yet this doesn't resemble it at all, and is far more thoughtful.


I was sure it was a cult classic, but you're right - it isn't for some reason.

But I researched a little and found it on the Guardian's list 50 Lost Movie Classics. It is apparently considered a "lost classic".

I posted the link in case someone interested in lost classics stumbles upon this thread and wants to investigate some more. I've personally seen just a few of the movies listed there.



Yeah, that's the same guy. He passed away a month ago. I wasn't even aware of that until today.



Now that's an interesting trivia that the astronaut was mentioned in Exorcist.


Sorry to hear he passed away. While I wasn't a big fan of The Exorcist, I thought The 9th Configuration was absolutely brilliant. Never read the book -- either one.

Apis and Dazed, that is very interesting trivia. I'd not heard that before. Am due for another viewing of The 9th.


Never heard of it Cat. The reviews look good. Now I have another movie to watch.


