Alexa Kenin

Alexa Kenin played Dana in this film- who was she? what did she do or say? Can anyone refresh my memory? Please...


Alexa brilliantly played the brunette girl that was on Angel's "team." She's the one that was always reading and quoting Shakespeare. She went w/ Angel to spy on Randy when he was riding dirtbikes. She had all the witty one-liners, in my opinion. She was such a talent and it's a shame she died so young. I just wish I knew how she actually died. I hope this refreshed you memory.


Thank you Wildhart, I thought that it was her, but I can't believe that she is also Jena in "Pretty in Pink"- she looks like a total different person in this movie???
All the best from hackenbush


if i recall correctly, it was a gunshot from her boyfriend.


This came from the Alexa Kenin IMDB message board...thought I would share I dont know if it's factual but still info to know

"I am writing this on the anniversary of Alexa Kenin's birthday. Today she would have been 44.
Alexa was a very close friend of mine and much loved by all who knew her, especially me.
I must correct any rumors because I feel that truth is paramount to speculation.
Tragically, she died of a heroin overdose in her NY apartment on or about September 6 or 7, 1985. Alexa had used heroin 'recreationally' and was not an addict nor daily user.
Apparently, a girlfriend had helped her with the fatal dose and got scared when Alexa became unconsious. Unfortunately, the 'friend' did not contact 911 and left Alexa to die alone.
She was found dead by her very worried parents a few days later.
In my opinion, there is really no one to blame in the world of drugs but the user.
I will never forget Alexa and she'll remain in my heart forever.
Hope that clarifies it all.
My condolences continually go out to her family.
Thanks for reading. "

"Truth is the only safe ground to stand on!"
Elizabeth Cady Stanton


How in the world did it get spread around that her boyfriend killed her ???

Anyway...just goes to show that you don't have to be a hard core user to die from drugs.

She was so good in L.D. I also liked her a lot in one of those afternoon specials as a glib friend to Trina Alvarado.


I was on her board and I think people believe that person was lying. It hasn't been confirmed how she died even though many say she was beaten to death.


They may have had her mixed up with Dominique Dunne, who was murdered by her boyfriend...



She was murdered in NYC just after finishing shooting of her last movie.

"Why is the rum always gone?"-Captain Jack Sparrow


Overdose... Murder... It's all complete speculation until FACTS are presented... Either way, it's a loss of life, way too early... As for "recreational drug use", in my opinion, you either do or do not use drugs... Using them once can kill you...

"Type what you know, but at least know, what you type"...


Most of the actors/actresses on this film were high when they were doing the shoots. I have been following Tatum O'Neal for a while and she really had a hard life growing up and her father did not help the situation. He introduced her to drugs and she talks openly that many who were on this set were usually doing drugs, heroin etc. I don't know about Alexa, shame that she died.


she was the one on angels team
she was giving angel advice on what to do with a guy.
