Young looking for 15?

Did anyone else think that some of the girls in the cabin with Ferris and Angel looked way younger than 15? Im not sure of thier exact ages, but I assume they were all soppoused to be 15-16 years old. Like the hippie girl, the red head, the tom boy who wore the funny hats, that one blonde (not the chubbie 10 year old), they looked more like 12.


i think theyre counselors (ferris and angel) and everyone else is like 12


Way late again. >.< No. They're supposed to be in all stages of puberty (spelling?). Ferris and Angel are 15. Sunshine (the "hippie girl") is 14. The redhead is 14ish. Not sure who you mean by the tomboy who wore the funny hats or the blonde or the chubby ten year old... but Angel and Ferris are definitely NOT counselors.

Hi! Down here!


really? not even like junior counselors? when i went to camp our counselors (they had supervisors and stuff) were only 16ish. i need to rewatch this movie. for some reason i thought they were slightly in charge.


Kristy McNichols character did not even want to go to camp but was forced to go by her mother so I doubt she would have been a junior councelor. If I remember correctly from when I used to do that sort of thing, you had to apply as a junior councellor with a resume.


