MovieChat Forums > Little Darlings (1980) Discussion > This movie breaks my heart

This movie breaks my heart

The scene where Angel says to Randy, " Right now. Do you care about me a little?" Right before she has sex for the first time. How little a girl will ask from a guy, before giving it up, for the first time.I know a lot of people think of this movie as a fun romp, But that scene just kills me. Kristy is outstanding!


Her tears after it happened was also a realistic reaction. It was a true reaction, and well acted. It drove the point home that sex was a big deal and not something to make light of.

"By all means move at a glacial pace. You know how that thrills me."


Exactly. I think it's such a good message to young girls so that they see that sex is not without consequence or emotion. So many shows portray it that way today and I like that this is timeless and shows real emotion!


True, but what they don't show here is any indication that _not_ participating in it, being obsessed by it as a "rite of passage" or "sexual initiation" or whatever, etc., is an option at all. Too bad.

Sometimes--in fact, I'd say nearly always--it turns out there were actual substantive reasons behind some of the moral "rules" parents and/or society want to enforce on people both younger and older. I'm not saying this film (and that scene) don't imply it, but it'd be nice if there had been another dimension to the story.


Kills me too. And yet, she went on with it. Too bad, but it's the all-too-inevitable result of the prevailing sexual ethic for a majority of kids. Then another, then another...then a lifetime of regret, a lifetime of trying to forget all those people and all that faux intimacy, especially after one meets a lifetime mate. There is a better way, of course, if people would only choose it--and if the culture didn't beat them to death with the idea that there _isn't_ any other choice.


You do know that losing her virginity does not mean a girl is going to become promiscuous and live a lifetime of regret, don't you? This movie is a good example of why it us not a decision to be taken lightly. If the first time is treated as seriously as it should be and is carefully considered, it isn't usually regretted, and it certainly isn't going to make a girl start sleeping around.


The scene where Angel says to Randy, " Right now. Do you care about me a little?" Right before she has sex for the first time. How little a girl will ask from a guy, before giving it up, for the first time.I know a lot of people think of this movie as a fun romp, But that scene just kills me. Kristy is outstanding!

So true. This film doesn't treat sex lightly, despite the plot of having a wager to see who can lose their virginity first. In fact, I think it's a great tool to show kids WHY they should wait. Kristy (Angel) is extremely emotional about the issue and even chastises her mom about her attitude towards sex.

"This is a faithful saying...Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief."


It kills me as well because she was SO extremely moody and snapping at him to hurry up and get undressed and telling him where and when to lay down, you could tell she really wasn't wanting to do it.


It kills me as well because she was SO extremely moody and snapping at him to hurry up and get undressed and telling him where and when to lay down, you could tell she really wasn't wanting to do it.

exactly...and she played those scenes perfectly

"This is a faithful saying...Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief."


Even though I had a major crush on Tatum O'Neal back in the day, Kristy McNichol outacted everyone in this film...the swingset admission of guilt was truly gut-wrenching! Was Kristy even nominated for a Young Artist Award for this movie? Loved the 'best friend realization' ending as well!


That swing set scene was drama at its finest. It's nice to see I wasn't the only one who noticed.


I just found the answer to my question...Kristy was nominated for a Young Artist Award but lost out to Diane Lane (who I also love!) in some movie I never heard of! Back to the swings scene...I love the way Kristy says "Come on!" in disbelief to Tatum's confession, and the way she looks away as her eyes well up with tears when she admits her sexual liaison with Matt Dillon's Randy to her "frenemy"! CLASSIC! Gets me every time!


Kristy was brilliant and genuine in this movie. I loved it.

She was beat out for the Young Artist Award by Diane Lane for her role in the movie, Touched By Love. Diane played a young girl with Cerebral Palsy who had a special pen pal relationship with Elvis Presley.

She was great as well. I'm sure the judges had a tough decision.


The scene on the swings confessing to Ferris breaks my heart and wins any acting prize, positively brilliant acting by Kristy McNichol, she is so expressive, this is the best emoting ever depicted on film, it feels like real life, that says it all. Outstanding!


this movie is rather dated. for the most part, sex is NOT that important except as just 'what people do'. of course, this isnt absolute, as distinctions can be made across economic background, spiritual background, race, and other demographics. many kids in the US today are not NEARLY as innocent as the very curious kristy mcnichol was in this movie.

dont get me wrong - i dont say that lightly. i WISH for a time where innocence, restraint, and maybe virginity werent despised as they are now. i think i grew up in the right time - in the 70s / 80s, people had sexual freedom. you could be active, and without stigma of being a whore. or, you could be a virgin, and except for a few people, it wouldnt mean you were some unsophisticated dolt. monogamy was understood as the way to go.

now...? pffft...monogamy? i think a lot of people think that is a Malaysian spice.


Agreed. Kristy McNichol's performance in this movie is fantastic. The "Right now..." and swing set scenes alone are remarkable for an actress of 18 at the time.


~ I too always get that same feeling whenever I see that scene also when Angel admits to Ferris that she did it with Randy. I totally love Kristy McNichol performance & facial expressions. I miss her a lot and where ever she is happy.


How you turned my world, you precious thing
You starve and near exhaust me
Everything I've done, I've done for you
I move the stars for no one

-🌹rest in peace David Bowie🎤

