this movie is rather dated. for the most part, sex is NOT that important except as just 'what people do'. of course, this isnt absolute, as distinctions can be made across economic background, spiritual background, race, and other demographics. many kids in the US today are not NEARLY as innocent as the very curious kristy mcnichol was in this movie.
dont get me wrong - i dont say that lightly. i WISH for a time where innocence, restraint, and maybe virginity werent despised as they are now. i think i grew up in the right time - in the 70s / 80s, people had sexual freedom. you could be active, and without stigma of being a whore. or, you could be a virgin, and except for a few people, it wouldnt mean you were some unsophisticated dolt. monogamy was understood as the way to go.
now...? pffft...monogamy? i think a lot of people think that is a Malaysian spice.