I always liked that subtle touch! It says to me that while Haber is constantly, angrily chiding George's unconscious for twisting the dream & its results, Haber's own unconscious is at work as well, not just in the conscious upgrade of his status, but the upgrade of Miss Crouch. He's an important man, after all, and he deserves a better secretary! :)
Of course the early line where he reveals his daydreams about being a hero & saving the whole damn world lets us know immediately that his supposedly altruistic desire to makes things better (which may be true in itself) has its roots in some very dark places of ego & insecurity. Why does HE have to save the world? What is it that he needs so desperately to prove -- to someone, a loved or demanding parent, his own self-image? Whatever the reason, he has a need to be Someone Important, admired & respected by all for his nobility, dedication, etc. The constant upgrade of Miss Crouch is one indicator of this driving need.