Hello! Does anyone know where I can get a copy of the HUMANOIDS FROM THE DEEP DVD with the first cover-art variation on DVD, the one I'll call option (A) the edition with the maroon banner running across the top of the front DVD cover reading ROGER CORMAN CLASSICS in gold (not RED) letters? This was the first edition of the DVD's two variations in cover-art, printed in May 1999, by New Horizons Home Video. This is the ONLY cover-art variation that I want: NOT the second cover art variation (B) the edition with the white border framing the cover picture with ROGER CORMAN CLASSICS printed in red letters running across the top of the front DVD cover, printed when New Horizons Home Video changed its name to New Concorde Home Video.
I have been looking for four years--since 2004--for the cover-art edition with the maroon banner running across the top of the front DVD cover reading ROGER CORMAN CLASSICS in gold (not RED) letters. I am REALLY seeking a brand new copy in its original factory shrinkwrap with the white security seal intact, but I'd also take a used but mint copy; even though, if I DID receive a used but mint copy, I'd still continue searching for a factory-sealed copy. Through these long years of searching, I've grown depressed and despondent, especially since I used to own a factory sealed copy of the maroon-bannered HUMANOIDS FROM THE DEEP DVD--purchased back in 1999 from Suncoast Video--and it got COMPLETELY damaged in an accident, disc shattered, shrinkwrap, plastic DVD case and cover artwork all totally destroyed. If anyone can tell me where to find a copy with this maroon-bannered cover art, please email me at [email protected]. Thank you and I hope to hear from somebody soon, before I lose my mind...
PS. BOTH cover art variations listed above (A)and (B) are out of print.