"Heaven’s Gate” has become an infamous cautionary tale of Hollywood, which to this day still makes MGM cringe at the financial mistake they made. Michael Cimino was considered a wunderkind shortly after the critical success of “The Deer Hunter,” which is why MGM jumped at the chance to work with him. Read More @
Wow, just read this piece. What a waste of my time. I appreciate that the Internet and blogging software have enabled everyone and their grandmother to become citizen journos, but that in no way means that ninety percent of them should. Apart from getting the studio behind Heaven's Gate wrong, the author is yet another amateur with no formal writing ability reheating information long available on the web (as opposed to books on the subject) without bringing any new analysis to the table. And when I think many millions of people undertake these forgettable endeavors in the belief that they're actually adding something important to the discourse of a given subject, my brain bleeds. And this is precisely the kind of self-deluded amateurism that will DEFINE this generation centuries from now. If they even find material like this in whatever vast digital waste dump the Internet has become by then.
Extremely well put, coolestmovies, though I think the Internet is already, for the most part, a pretty big waste dump. Not to mention the shallow, no-attention spanned lab rats its turning us into.