Two fundamental flaws

I think that Heaven's Gate has many good qualities (cinematography, music), but there are two huge flaws that I think killed the film.

1. It's way too long, in either the two-hour or three-hour version.

2. The subject matter is too esoteric.

It's a shame, because it could have been a hit. If nothing else, at least Heaven's Gate has become a talking point, almost 35 years later.

Snoopy is one cool cat...although he's a dog.


1. It's way too long, in either the two-hour or three-hour version.
That's debatable... what should have been cut?

2. The subject matter is too esoteric.
Class disparity between the poor and elite; the problem of immigration; cultural warfare over the future direction of the country; the confluence of power between big business and government; the use (and abuse) of military and police power to chase off "anarchists" and "squatters"; the necessity (and difficulty) of grassroots organization... Esoteric? The movie seems downright prescient.
