the woman at the end

Who is the woman at the very end?
Maybe the protagonist's wife or girlfiend, ok. But is she the same woman we see younger at the beginning? The same woman in the photo? So he had a wife at the time of the Johnson county's war.


Yes. Yes. Maybe.


Talk about a flat disappointing ending. They had us sit through this four hour movie for that?


How so? I can so someone going after the ending for being unmercifully downbeat, but I don't see how it contradicts anything in the preceding four hours.


Jim's a broken man. Ella was killed & his close friend, JB, was also killed, both of them right in front of him. To find some solace, he goes back to Boston & finds the woman he danced with at graduation. However, judging by his manner when he's with the woman on the boat, he's still very much a broken man who's never recovered from the trauma.

"WHOOPSIE DAISY!!!!" - Bill the Butcher
