sorry, I tried to like it, but it's awful
I saw the '3 things' clip from Criterion and thought surely it couldn't be that bad. I thought the reviews were a product of mob mentality. I actually considered buying the latest version on blu ray just to watch the spectacle. At least Vilmos would save it, right?
I was wrong, it was terrible. Worse than I ever imagined it would be. It was incompetently made on a fundamental level. And I'm not even bothered by the length.
Music: very good to excellent
Cinematography: very good (although overdone and repetitive)
everything else: this is where it goes horribly wrong, and why any positive contribution from any one component (score, sets, acting, etc) gets steamrolled by Cimino's madness. The sound was garbled. The overdubs were amateur. The script was scatterbrained. The story desperately wanted to be important and had every resource available, but never figured out how to deliver any message. You can dwell on the success of the music or the visuals but the bottom line is there is no solid story told here. No nuance, no subtlety. Repetitive shots of the mountains and clouds. Broad strokes and bad editing. Complete waste and shameless indulgence. Empty characters. What a shame