Some questions (with possible spoilers)
Just saw it for the first time (the American version, Dark Forces) and am a bit confused. Most prominently in my mind are the issues of what the heck Wolfe is and where he came from--who does he work for? The script was really good, entrancing, especially due to Powell's performance, and I tried to listen for clues on who he was working for and what his motivations were for helping the politician. I am also wondering why, if he really was supposed to be good in the end (was he??), why did he do some rather evil things, like slice a bird in half with a cymbol (just an illusion?? the movie seemed to suggest that, but in any case, it made me turn a bit more away from seeing him as still possibly good, and the blood splattering was kind of convincing as an indication that some little creature did suffer at his hand), his hypnotising and raping of the maid (what purpose did this serve? Why did he do it?), his admittance that he really didn't care too much for Alex (he called him stupid at some point, or something like that, in that scene where he comes in the bedroom and takes off his wig and facial attachments), and dangle that poor child over the cliff like that?
Also, what was Wolfe's connection to the maid pouring cleaning chemical all over her head? (I can feel a facepalm coming on...) And why didn't we see her again? Why did the little boy at the end suddenly have on the clowny makeup? Was that actually Wolfe, or what? I know he's an illusionist and likes to be all flashy, but why did he have to wear all those odd costumes and makeup? And (forgive my lack of brain) did he not really lace that kid's cake with corticosteriods (or whatever)? Also, did he die and come back to life in the kitchen, or was he just not really fatally wounded? If he was able to survive being shot like that because of his "specialness", then why would he die for real (at least bodily) the second time around (when he was strangling that one guy through the window)?
I didn't catch everything that appeared on the computer screen about Wolfe toward the beginning. It appeared that a real (non-mystical) man had lived and died some decades earlier; what made him become the being we saw in the movie?
I would greatly appreciate anyone answering these questions, even if they are just taking stabs at them, as I have been doing since finishing the movie. I'd like to think I would understand this stuff better if I get another opportunity to watch the film.