is he good or bad?

Is Gregory good or bad? was he guilty of what he was accused of?


Gregory is most assuredly good. Does that mean he doesn't have a sinister side to him, or that some of his motives are "questionable"? No. But he is there not only to protect Alex, his real motivation is the salvation of Senator Rast. I think that he was there to prevent a great tragedy. If Senator Rast took the position without having some of the realities of the situation called into question by Gregory, something terrible would have happened, like nuclear war, or something to that effect. I always got the feeling that Gregory actually served some higher power. Not God, necesarily, but something else.

I saw the American version "Dark Forces" and I always wondered if the international version contained any other footage that may have expounded on some of the story elements.



pure speculation scrmwrtr42, there is nothing in the film to corroborate anything you have written


It seems to me he is a sort of Black Mage.


Obadiah Obadiah, Jah Jah sent us here to catch vampire


ive just watched the commentary on the newly released blu ray version. the director did say that for some reason the french & uk authorities demanded some scenes be removed before being shown in there respective countries but he didnt know why.


I'd love to know the answer to that too. I suppose it was intentionally left very ambiguous, with plenty of plot points hitig to either direction.


Coz lifes too short to listen to Madlib
