I would really like to see a remake of "The Final Countdown" with Kirk Douglas. I loved that movie but each time I see it I wish they would have used the aircraft carrier in more battles. I think this could be remade without distorting history too much. For instance; what if it was still set in WW2 and used to decide the outcome of a battle?and not the outcome of the entire war. I envision seeing the Battle of the Bulge with the 101st surrounded but with a couple fighter jets scorching the German lines.....or helping out with D-Day?

In any case I would really like to see this movie remade.

John Deo more about the Viet Nam war with todays tech....drones..bunker busters....etc.



I'd like to see this film remade. They could use the F/A-18's that took on the Jolly Rogers tail markings.

Considering the CGI capabilities of today, it could look great; provided they stayed with the original storyline and just enhanced the look of it.


I'd love to see a remake with Pee Wee Herman as Mr. Lasky.

Cats are delicate dainty animals who suffer from a variety of ailments ... except insomnia.


Horrible idea.


I would love to see a remake of this movie as well. Maybe have the ship engaged the Japanese, or at least add more action to the film. I am surprised no one as thought of doing this yet.


They need to remake this and just all out war with the Japanese fleet. Hollywood is so afraid of messing with history intentionally. they have all these unintentional historic screw ups in their movies, but they never just say screw it, lets engage. The original was decent, but it had the biggest rip off ending this side of 'the grey'. Remake it now with a kick ass ending.


Me too.


While I support anything that promotes the US Navy I don't think this movie needs a remake. If wanting to talk about Pearl Harbor and the events of Dec 7, 1941 I'd rather remake Tora Tora Tora. Given the huge budget they could most likely recreate down to the last millimeter a Japanese Zero fighter plane and a section of a Nevada or Pennsylvania class battleship. Nothing wrong with the 1970 original in my mind but a fresh effort might rekindle interest in that event for the public at large.


This film can honestly be made as a whole series for netflix.
