there is no logical, narrative, or thematic reason for the film to indicate that steve was involved in the killings.
seems like the director just threw that in there in the most lazy of ways which didn't coincide with any of the events which occurred earlier.
if that was truly planned from the beginning, they would have made it far more ambiguous throughout the movie
That's my opinion on the so called "ambiguous ending" of this film. It really isn't executed very well at all. It just seems that Friedkin couldn't make heads or tails of the script and just did it on the spot to get it over and done with. I've said before that there is a right and a wrong way to execute an "ambiguous ending", and some directors do it better than others.
I remember reading a quote from one of the crew members who worked on the film saying something like "We worked hard and everyone did their best, but the material just wasn't there to begin with."
Don't put the devil in the picture, cause' the religious groups won't wanna see it.