Bill Murray's brother

It took me looking at the credits for Groundhog's Day to realize the older fatman that Bill Murray saves from choking was Bill's brother. I recognized the voice in Caddyshack and realized he is the head of the caddies and judges the match. It is funny to see how Bill didn't balloon out like his brother or lose as much of his hair. In Caddyshack you can see the resemblance but in later movies you would't know unless you looked at the credits.


Kind of like the Quaids.


Or the Murphy brothers. Except they kinda look alike



The first time I saw "Vacation" I had to look twice to see that it WASN'T Bill.


Brian co-wrote the script, along with several other classics. He works more as a writer than an actor.


I always thought it was Bill's father! Until I saw the earlier moviesx in which I figured he was too young to be his dad.


yeah, could pass as his dad.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.


Brian Doyle Murray played Bill Murray's dad in Scrooged.



Where there's smoke, there's barbecue!


oh yeah, and...

GO O'S!!


All day long, I listen to people give me excuses why they can't work... 'My back hurts,' 'my legs ache,' 'I'm only four!' The sooner he learns life isn't handed to him on a silver platter, the better!

best stuff to tell a kid.

Thread ender.


You should see him in the "bubble boy" episode on Seinfeld. .doesn't even look like him.

"George is dead. Call me back."
RING. Hello?
"Hi. It's George."


Where there's smoke, there's barbecue!


All three brothers are in this movie, and have been in a number of movies with Bill.


Aren't there 4 Murray brothers?


All are in show biz I believe.


Yes. Bill is obviously the biggest star. Brian probably comes next with numerous supporting TV and film roles. I've seen Joel around here and there. He was in a John Cusack teen movie (the one with the boat race) and was a regular on Dharma and Greg. I've only ever seen John as Bill's brother in Scrooged and in some movie about a bunch of people in traffic school where he's clearly trying to do Bill's schtick.


Joel was also in 'Dharma and Greg' as Greg's friend Pete ('Good talkin' to ya, Pete"), and in 'Mad Men' as Freddy Rumson. He was awesome in both.


Isn't there also a Dana Murray?


I didn't feel like going through the comments but you're wrong. Brian Doyle Murray is the guy that announces that the groundhog saw his shadow. He also voices Mayor Mulligan in the Ghostbusters X-Box 360 and PS3 game.

"You want me to roll 6,000 of these!? What? Should I quit my job!?" George Costanza, Seinfeld


"You're a good egg Noonan. She needs you. Pick up that Kleenex."


I didn't feel like going through the comments but you're wrong. Brian Doyle Murray is the guy that announces that the groundhog saw his shadow

Yes, and the OP said he was the guy Bill Murray saves from choking, which is correct. The groundhog announcer and the choking guy are one and the same character (he's called Buster in the movie), so how is he wrong?


Sorry. I wasn't aware they were the same person. My bad.

"You want me to roll 6,000 of these!? What? Should I quit my job!?" George Costanza, Seinfeld


Brian also plays Jack Ruby in Oliver Stone's JFK.


You!, pick up that blood.




There's only one man I've ever called a coward, and that's Brian Doyle-Murray.


Here's one role he played some of you might have missed. He was the priest officiating the wedding in Sixteen Candles. I don't think he had a speaking part but it's him.


They have a documentary on National Lampoon's magazine and how it started out. They ended up creating National Lampoon's radio show which was pretty much the 2nd City cast. Talk about talent: Chevy Chase, Bill Murray, Murray's brother, Gilda Radner, John Belushi, Dan Akroyd and Harold Ramis. National Lampoon turned down going with CBS for a tv show and then Michaels came and stole the entire radio show talent for SNL.
