What some people don't seem to understand about this movie
I have been killing some time today reading comments about Caddyshack, and I see alot of "I just watched it, what's supposed to be so funny about it?" or "This movie is NOT funny"
Well, its not the plot that is funny. It's a completely forgettable plot. For the most part the characters are not particularly memorable in context to the plot as well. So what makes this movie a classic? The answer is simple: THE ONE LINERS
This movie has so many hilarious one liners that it will live forever. I cannot count how many times over the years I have yelled "NOONAN!!!! NOONAN!!!" when one of my friends is trying to anything! I cannot go more than a week or so without asking someone I am eating with "Are you gonna eat your fat?" I will never get tired by saying to someone "you get a free bowl of soup with that (insert "haircut", "shirt", "boobjob", etc) and then follow up with "It looks good on you, though" with the obligatory eye roll. Guys, try this tonight with your significant other, "I was booorrrrrrrrrn to love you/ I was booooorrrrrnnn to lick your face/ I was booooooorrrrrnnn to rub you/ But you were born...to...rub...me...first!"