I was born in '72 and remember Cokes being around 35¢ from the machines with the glass side doors! Pay phone around 15¢ and the Sunday paper was 50¢! 50¢! for a HUGE Sunday Paper! Gosh I miss those days... $3 for a friggin' Sunday Paper for the coupons is a complete rip-off now. I refuse to pay for it. And they did it so they wouldn't have to compete with Dollar General or Dollar Tree and lose money with them selling $2 papers for $1. But at $3 was when the dollar stores drew the line. I do remember when Cokes went up to 50¢ and seeing 20 oz at Six Flags for like 75¢ or $1.00 and thinking how stinking HIGH that was back then! That was probably back when the Okeefenokee Swamp with the Remus characters were still in the plantation before it became the Monster Plantation... and the crooked house that 'broke' physics in the Spanish area... miss that stuff... OH! And you could ride down the river in a glass bottom boat and cowboys or Indians would shot at you from the sides! It was all fake, but it was so cool! Miss those days... and candy bars were like 35¢ to 45¢ each too... before Nascar and the Clinton admin increased taxes and the like and candy went up double time in the early 90's... crazy. Used to buy the 5 - 6 Reese cup package for like 99¢ and a box of Little Debbies were 89¢ not $1.99. Great, now I'm missing the early 90's! Ugh... prices are so out of hand now.
3rd generation American from a long line of Gottscheers... it was Drandul, dude!