MovieChat Forums > The Blues Brothers (1980) Discussion > If God was really protecting them...

If God was really protecting them...

I think it can either be argued or apparent that God was protecting and helping them get the money to the clerk's office for saving the orphanage.
Like they survive all the assassination attempts by Carrie Fisher. (Love the phone booth one!)
Or the way the Good Ole Boys and the cops can't catch them.

So if God was really helping them, how do they get caught and go to jail?
Is it like, "Mission from God Accomplished" and He doesn't have to watch over them anymore?

Damn I'm good.


I might sound stupid by writing it, but I really don't believe that there's a "God" helping them out more than will itself. The orphanage represents their childhood, their past, and they do whatever it takes to keep it up and running. When Curtis tells Jake to "get wise and go to church" so he does it. When he says that "he sees the light" I feel he does it just to shut people like Curtis/Elwood up, he just have a genuine idea and "to blame it on God" is the way he uses to explain that to people around him (whether he himself believes it or not). Elwood believes him at once because both are out of the same kind catholic education.
They end up in jail again as they are kids at heart and cannot function in society as proper grown ups.
...Oh well this is how I see it according to the movie.


I dunno if I read it on here, but someone posted the idea that God gave them the backwards flip over the Nazi car that chased them.

And then look at what happens to the car when they reach the building. It just falls apart. Why didn't it do that while they were driving? It sorta did when they blew a rod, but yet it somehow kept going.
Again, I think God kept it together and then when they stop he is like, "Your there. You don't need your car anymore." Boom. It falls apart.

One doesn't have to believe in God to somehow think that He was helping the Double B's.

Damn I'm good.


I see all these things as amazing coincidences or skills they own (like how Elwood is a good driver, or that the Blumo is indeed the 'supercar' he introduces at the beginning of the movie). The story itself could be also remembered by somebody and told this way using lot of imagination.
Buuut, it's not impossible that the characters themselves believe to be helped by divine providence, same way they believe God sent them... In BBprivate Cissy believes that Jake is the new messiah and sure destined to do great things in life. If her herself or somebody else that thinks like her is telling a BB story, most probably would put the hand of God in every other sentence.
Still, I really enjoy how "all the signs" leave way for other readings of the same story ;)


I suppose if I was going to look at it from the assumption that God is helping these events along, then perhaps he wasn't directly helping the Blues Brothers as much as the Nun and her orphanage. She seemed to have some sort of power as she went floating back into her office. It was all for the purpose of getting money for the orphans, but perhaps that wasn't enough to be fully "redeemed" in her eyes. Which might explain why they still ended up in prison.


God just helped them accomplish their deed regardless of the consequences.

When there's no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.


God is still protecting them, he just knows they're still bad boys who need some churching up. 😇😇 Plus, a bit of sacrifice tends to go along with missions from God. Think of it like they're martyrs for the cause. Plus they're basically continuing their mission from God by entertaining lowly convicts with their music.


Most of the disciples ended up crucified, didn't they? The Brothers Blue got off comparatively lightly.


Best answer


Its a plot hole. In a deleted scene, they actually get to meet god himself and explains he will protect them. But then god lets them down at the end when they are busted with no explanation. In the original draft towards the end, when the police are chasing them on the highway, god was going to appear and flood the road with water washing away all the police cars so they had a safe getaway. That ending was changed last minute


Or if God was really helping wouldn't he just save the orphanage without all the bruhaha?


Sometimes the journey is the destination.


Just because you have God on your side does not mean that you will be exempt from the consequences of your actions.

If you are not willing to sacrificed for what you believe in, then just how badly to do you actually believe in it?
