Ripoff of a ripoff.

Interesting, nobody seems to have noticed that this was a ripoff of the Magnificent Seven, which was itself a ripoff of Akira Kurosawa's Seven Samurai. Robert Vaughan plays the same role in BBS & MS.

It's saved from being crap by the goofball take on everything. For instance, Nell, the talking spaceship, is modelled on the Winged Victory of Samothrace. The brilliant and eccentric scientist naturally has a beautiful daughter, who naturally warms to the hero.

Bizarrely, I remember more about this picture than about the (overrated) Magnificent Seven, and remember it much more fondly.

Thank you Roger Corman, I give it a ten.

reply one mentions this is a takeoff of The Magnificent Seven because it's completely OBVIOUS!


Obvious and intentional. Shad is from Akir, their forms are call the Akira (as in Kurosawa). And, as mentioned, Gelt/Lee are both played by Vaughn, including several of his lines. ("I was never that young") And, of course, the plot.



Several other threads on this board do indeed mention that it is Seven Samuri in Space.

Oh well guess you did a quick hit and run and didn't look all that close.



The creators THEMSELVES point it out on the DVD commentary... I always thought it was obvious, even though I saw it (as a kid) before I saw either film.

I do agree with the OP that I also enjoy this movie more than the original ones, even though, yes, it IS a "ripoff of a ripoff". :D


Every critical review and synopsis of this film ever written and published mentions this fact. Do posters on IMDb also have to mention that it takes place in space and tries to capitalize on the popularity of Star Wars?



Ironically when Marvel continued the storyline after their comic book adaptation of "Star Wars" their first story was also a riff on "The Seven Samurai".
