ugly ship john boy flew

the same ship that john boy flew in this movie was in space raiders talk about saving money


Dude, if you know anything about Roger Corman, you'll shut up right now!

The Doc


Did anyone think that the ship looked like a model of a vagina?

The main body of the ship being the womb, and the two mandible-type things above the cockpit being the Fallopian Tubes.

I probably should get out more.

"It takes two to lie. One to lie, and one to listen."


Ship had TITS, man!


No,you're not alone there.Face on, the ship is very similar to the text-book diagram of the female reproductive system.From other angles it looks like a massive pair of tits.Either way,definitely should have been Sybil Danning's ride!


It looked like a moose. in a remake, Tom Greene could fly it.

"everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die"


" by - lawrence142002 on Tue Mar 29 2005 05:50:55 Dude, if you know anything about Roger Corman, you'll shut up right now! "

Why? What's so great about him? Looking at his history he has mainly produced b-grade films and has no significant awards to his name.


Micky, that's not what the poster who mentioned "knowing" about Corman meant, I'm sure. While he deserves a lot more respect than you're giving him (and putting aside the folks who'd never have had careers without him... Jim Cameron?), he is famous for re-using material from his other productions... hence, I'm betting, the reply to a post saying "hey, they re-used some stuff from BBTS in another Corman film... did you know that?" :)

Oh, and I think poor Nell is about the ugliest ship I've ever seen in any sci-fi film! :(


i agree with you on the unlyness of the ship :)

however, the flamer i was referring to in my post was acting like a fascist. the original poster has the right to say that 'a ship was used in some other film' or some such if correct. it is not a sign of disrespect but a declaration of fact.

and so were my comments, they were based on fact and are not an opinion unlike much of the silliness that goes on in forums.

have a good day my friend



No, I found the clone trooper dropship to be quite different from the flying snail with breasts.

To the creative mind boredom is fleeting.



Its called Nell after Nell Gwynne , she was a well known character in English History, and she had big boobs, i explained this once, but it was deleted, obviously historical facts offend the imdb.


Yeah it was kind of strange looking , It had an organic look.


Yeah, it was modelled after a human female, and from certain angles that is more prominent; but, from others, it looks more like a flying scrotum. Maybe Corman could work out a crossover with Flesh Gordon.

