I know this one is an older story, but every time *beep* like this go away, someone else takes over! I work on a lot of films, but God forbid I EVER have to run into this on a set! I wish I knew where this SON OF A BITCH WAS RIGHT NOW!
Don't believe the hype I love animals too, but I checked the web link from the first post, and their timeline is off by two yrs. They say Clyde came available to the movies in 1982, but Any Which Way You Can was released in 1980. That would mean the monkey was killed two years before he became available to work! These people should pull their heads out of their butts... If they truly love animals, they would tell the truth, and quit trying to B.S. people! Check for yourself. http://www.care2.com/c2c/share/sharebook/653450313&tag=dog?share_t ype=&tag=exploitation&pid=653450313
'They say Clyde came available to the movies in 1982, but Any Which Way You Can was released in 1980. That would mean the monkey was killed two years before he became available to work!'
Actually, it would mean that Clyde died two years AFTER the film debuted in 1980...So if Clyde died a month after the film was finished filming then he died in 1979/1980....IF Clyde died in 1982, then he died 2 years after filming the movie.
That same man got into a lot of trouble here in Las Vegas about 15 years ago for beating animals. There was film of him back stage at the Stardust hotel beating an orangutan. I think the guy had to pay a three million dollar fine.
The poster above may have meant the original clyde, and I don't know about the facts confusing the timeline, but I was a kid when the film came out and it's true that he was killed by this moron. Mind you, it happened after the film completed filming, but I had seen news reports, and there were some protests by animal rights people-- justly.
I'm not to sure as to the reason (the dounut theory,) but if the OP Isn't correct, then that has to be considered an urban ledgend, because that's exactly what my brother told me in the early 80s.
The reason I remember it all these years later is because I was really young when I saw the first one, liked it, but that story screwed up my watching this movie. I mean, animal death in a comedy, WTF.
heres what i read, "Any Which Way You Can:" The Death of Clyde
The orangutan name Clyde was born in a zoo but, in 1982, he became "surplus" when the zoo began a new program of orangutan breeding. Until the early 1980's, many zoos had maintained both Sumatran and Borneo orangutans and had interbred them. But when zoos became more purist about breeding, older hybrid orangutans were not suitable for Species Survival Programs (zoo programs to breed endangered species in captivity and to keep them genetically sound.) Clyde, a hybrid, did not fit in with the zoo's plans for the future. He and two other orangutans - CJ and Bubba - were about to find new careers in "show business."
Clint Eastwood had already starred in one film - "Any Which Way But Loose" - with an orangutan co-star trained by Las Vegas animal trainer Bobby Berosini. When a new Eastwood movie was announced, the largest supplier of animals for Hollywood films won the contract. The company did not own an orangutan so its owner scanned the industry papers for zoo surplus... and found Clyde.
Clyde became the "star" of "Any Which Way You Can." But, what most of Clyde's fans did not know was that Clyde barely survived the making of the film. In fact, he had been dead for nearly six months by the time he gained fame through the movie. The assistant to Gentle Jungle's head trainer told the media that the trainer beat Clyde to make him docile during the filming. He told reporters that one day before filming, the trainer ordered him and another trainer to help him take Clyde to an isolated spot because he wanted to "have a little talk with him."2 When Clyde became inattentive, the trainer repeatedly beat him with a cane and an ax handle. Clyde tried protecting himself with his arms and rolling in a circle, trying to avoid the blows which were ultimately fatal. He died of cardiac arrest a month after the beating.
[quote] Until the early 1980's, many zoos had maintained both Sumatran and Borneo orangutans and had interbred them. But when zoos became more purist about breeding, older hybrid orangutans were not suitable for Species Survival Programs (zoo programs to breed endangered species in captivity and to keep them genetically sound.) Clyde, a hybrid, did not fit in with the zoo's plans for the future. [\quote]