Anyone else think there was some homoerotic stuff going on between Philo and Jack?
I think they took the "grudging respect" and "buddy buddy" stuff a bit too far between them, though I enjoyed the movie.
Anyone else think there was some homoerotic stuff going on between Philo and Jack?
I think they took the "grudging respect" and "buddy buddy" stuff a bit too far between them, though I enjoyed the movie.
Nope, just you. Sorry.
I'd suggest trying your hand at some FanFic, or whatever it's called, but that was cliched the instant it started!
The Spacehunter Forum:
It was a classic movie bromance.
shareNOPE! But I guess your GAYdar goes off on everything! Wishful thinking most likely!
shareIt doesn't matter if it's just Lee Marvin and Toshiro Mifune shooting at each other for two hours, some moron will start a thread called "gay subtext?". They're desperate to see gayness everywhere.