I agree;...and Hollywood is remaking movies that to me either (1) Do not 'warrant' a remake, & (2) remaking movies barely 20 years old. I can see in the future every movie that's ever been made will be remade,...now there's a movie idea! HA! I recently saw the Stepford Wives on Showtime and all I could think of was "WHY?" Instead of trying to make it scarier,..they made it into a comedy! And what about Shaft? Or The Getaway,...neither of these remakes improved on the originals in any way for me at least. I've been working off n' on for 9 years on three different scripts,...one sci-fi,..one a vietnam movie, and the other about a man who is insane but does not know it until;.... anyhoo,.got off track here, but I wish the viewing public could vote on whether or not a movie could or should be remade. (A good idea to envelope into the previous idea that one day all movies will be remade til' the whole world runs out of original ideas! Hmmm? So far Hollywood has not attempted to bother with remaking most of the movies in my top ten and thank God for that,...but Hollywood's gonna keep crankin' em' out whether we want em' to or not as they live and breathe by the almighty $Dollar$ and figure, "Well,...we can take this movie,...it's only 15 yrs old and was a smash at the box-office and get a new director, and a new cast and a screenwriter to rework the script and BLAMMO' we got ourselves a remake!" HOOEY!! I've read where thousands of good scripts get shelved in Hollywood for one reason or another and alot don't get 'seen' much less made. One case in point,...The Mummy'1999, not exactly a remake of the Boris Karloff feature of the 30's but as soon as the studio saw the profits coming in for the Mummy,...theywanted a sequel,...the deal for the sequel was signed and sealed before the movie even went nation wide. If Hollywood would get off their lazy butt and hire (me) Ha! and other decent writers, we wouldn't have the Glom of Dog Do that's being produced these days. Personally I'd choose an old Cagney movie do my own re-write, hire a decent cast and bring it up to date. Those older movies not all, but some could use a new set of teeth. All in all though, it almost feels as if Hollywood just wants $money$money$ & More$$$ instead of 'Artistic Vision. Beginning to rant but I'd like to hear others theories on remaking movies that are only 15-25 yrs old. I'm 50 this year and have been watching movies at the age of 5, my first was Rio Bravo,...also one of my faves,....I just hope they do not mess with The Wild Bunch, or Alien,...Jaws,...Schindler's List,...Apocalypse Now,...'classic movies' that still hold up well to this day,...and on 'this' short list,...JAWS' is the oldest made in 1975 so there is a 30 year gap there,...but it's unconscienceable to even think Hollywood would rape that movie or the others I mentioned. Enough Rambling,...I went to high school with Kevin Costner and had been working on a script for him. After he won the Oscar for Dances w Wolves he told me why would I need you to write for me T,...I have 60 writers working for me round the clock!" What a prick he turned out to be after winning a small gold statue and having his peers pat him on the back and the studios wanting him in their movies. Ranting again,...must be that Ambien I took a half-hour ago! HA! There's a show on showtime called "Weeds' and it's great. Funny, touching, all the elements are in place, and it's a relatively new idea, for TV anyway. So I know we writers can come up with good ideas,...sometimes great ideas,...but if the script sits on a shelf in Hollywood, who's ever going to see it! Amen!
Love & Peace T'