Things to discuss
I noticed several things while viewing this movie. Take a moment to tell me what you think / make your own list of anything that doesn't appear here:
At about 19:30 a woman enter the shot when an excited brown dog, she simply struggles to keep the dog under control from her entrance to her exit of frame a mid 5 seconds later. A few seconds later another woman enters the frame again with another dog, this one taller with a white codding riddled with black dots. This dog is perfectly under control. She exits frame.
Minutes later, we are shot into the future by what happens to months. We are then shot even further to 7 years into the future. You notice that the protagonist and his wife are still friends with their friends of the past. The female friend is pregnant both times. This may not seem significant or symbolic but it is interesting to see character develop in the background. Showing the couple is still sexually active even seven years after their first.
When in Mexico, Eddie and his guide talk to an Indian elder who tells them Eddie can participate in their ritual that evening. The man is off the frame. Seconds later Eddie and his guide rush down a hill that would have taken the old man minutes to get down. However this is done in seconds of frame time. I doubt the two men decided to talk to the man and then wait 2 minutes to run down to him. I don't, however, think this was a goof. Russell must have put some meaning behind it.
During his Indian drug trip, Eddie sees Indian markings in the cave. These markings are of a man and woman with something in their hands. Right in front of them there is what seems to be a mushroom with a lizard attached to it. Sudden change of frame to two people actually sitting at a table, with drinks in their hands, while a serpent is wrapped around the base of the table that sits in between them (with an umbrella coming out the middle which reminds one of the top of a mushroom). He then sees the lizard drawn in the cave physically in front of him. The lizard then changes to his wife. All of a sudden a sand storm picks up and shes covered in dust. This may be way off, and I'm not saying that Russell was meaning this by this scene, but maybe his wife (who represented love) was choking his experience of true life. Since she was on a par with the lizard (strangling the mushroom) and the snake (strangling the table) she must have had some affect on him which was either being covered in dust to show her past presence no longer had its previous affect or to show he was shedding his love for her and the sand storm symbolizes his shedding of past love. However, the ending of the movie may counter argue that because it seems love is what saves him.
Some more of people I speculate will recognize this than the others: early on in the movie, Eddie remembers that he used to in-vision crucifixions, later on in the film one of his trips causes him to see crucifixions. I hope most Godflesh fans will have noticed that.
Certainly there are several others worth to mention, but I'd like you the reader to have a chance to discuss what you noticed and thought. Take note - many of these things were written down were written right after they happened in the movie.
Similar movies: that list is is greater than phenomenal.