So Everyone Is Still Skeptical/Clueless After an "Ape" Kills 2 People?
So Jessup goes to the hospital to hang out in his water chamber.
Within a few hours, security guards witness an "Ape" club the janitor on the head [presumably killing him] and find another guard beaten to death at the hospital.
Security guards chase the "Ape" out of the hospital.
Later that night, another security guard finds Jessup naked at the park next to an eaten gazell.
And the next scene is him walking out of prison with a smirk on his face?
No one gave a crap about the evidence of Jessup in the water chamber with the EKG readings?
Parrish and Arthur are completely oblivious to the above facts?
Detectives aren't detaining Jessup to get to the bottom of this?
I'm not sure which was dumber, the above or the psychedelic flashes of light that converted him into that ridiculous looking "ape".