Riekiebol's 'Happy Birthday Claire!' Yes Minister thread
So this is my little gift for your birthday tomorrow: a brand new Yes Minister thread!
Tsja...schrijven is gevaarlijk. ~ Sindala
So this is my little gift for your birthday tomorrow: a brand new Yes Minister thread!
Tsja...schrijven is gevaarlijk. ~ Sindala
Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birhtday to me! Yay, a lovely new Yes Minister thread!x :)
Luv Claire!x
Britain's future Prime Minister
Anything happening yet?
Tsja...schrijven is gevaarlijk. ~ Sindala
I've finished it! I just need to find a spare hour or two to get it online! My workload seems to get bigger by the day and I think my head's going to explode!x
Luv Claire!x
Britain's future Prime Minister
I went on a trip to Newcastle on Friday and I bought Yes Prime Minister series one and two there! I haven't had time to watch any episodes yet, but finally I've got them! When are you putting the Chemical Crisis online? (I'm getting impatient now...)
Het is echt waar, ik heb het in m'n dromen zelf gezien.
Hi! So sorry to invade your privacy here - but you seem to think alike.
I love Yes, Minister and no one understands me because of that. Also, Nigel Hawthorne was the best actor ever (IMHO)
..and I've read your fanfics. Excellent stuff. Loved the whole Hen and Bernard thing and how Sir Humphrey is so overprotective. Now the question is, why hasn't Sir Humphrey have any children of his own? I'm sure despite all that political babble, he'd been a wonderful father. Now, since you write such excellent fanfics, you might write a story where you explain that!!
Hope someone replies!
Nigel Hawthorne is probably my favourite actor too... (together with John Thaw) I think it would be very interesting to read about Sir Humphrey as a dad (or why he isn't one)...maybe he does have children, but they're just never mentioned in the series? I think a story about that would be something for Claire to write ...she's very good at that sort of thing (I mean, look at her Bernard and Hen stories...I just love them) I like writing screenplays, but it could be possible to write an episode in which Sir Humphrey's family life is analyzed a bit...it might just be a very good idea.
Het is echt waar, ik heb het in m'n dromen zelf gezien.
oh my god. Oh my god. This is sooo strange I'm loving every minute of it!!!
I thought no one would ever write Yes, Minister fanfic, and then I thought no one would ever consider the idea that Sir Humphrey might or might not have kids a good thought and so forth, and look how wrong I was but What I didn't see coming was someone other than me writing the sentence "Nigel Hawthorne is probably my favourite actor too... (together with John Thaw) "
I loved John Thaw as Morse. I'm saving my pennies (which are few since I just bought the complete Yes Minister) so that I could buy the whole Morse-set on DVD. And after that the whole Kavanagh QC set. And so on.
One does meet interesting people on the Net!
And do keep writing fanfic, I would too if I weren't such a bad writer!
That is SUCH a coincidence about John Thaw and Nigel Hawthorne! I love them and I also have their (auto)biographies...I really like reading about their lives... I also saw you posted something on the Christopher Plummer board...and the funny thing is that he is something like my number three favourite actor! I have quite a few of his films and I frequently correspond with someone in Florida who's also a big CP fan...she sent me some CDs of the plays and musicals he was in...so it IS weird how there are people in the world who are a lot alike... But back to the point...I may just start writing an episode op YPM...I feel totally inspired now I've got the DVD...and I'll try to squeeze a few impressions of Humphrey's and Bernard's private lives in as well... I hope Claire will post here again soon too, but she's at uni, so she can only post during weekends I believe... This is nice!
Het is echt waar, ik heb het in m'n dromen zelf gezien.
this is so uncanny, all I can say is wow. I have a thing for English/British actors in general too but Nigel Hawthorne and John Thaw are the top 2 of y favourites and I do like Christopher Plummer as well!!!! (yep, there has to be a Canadian to mix with all these Brits!) as you said, he'd be like my 3rd favourite actor.
I've read John Thaw's unofficial biography and just bought the one his wife wrote about the two of them - can't wait! I like Nigel Hawthorne's autobio as well, it's so touching and so candid. Wow. Though it could have been a lot longer I mean it seemed to me that he had a lot to say.
...and fanfiction, will you be posting it to fanfiction net again? can't wait! need to go and review both you and Claire's excellent work. Fab.
This is weird, because I just found out from your comments that you are from Finland (I'm not checking up on you or anything, but I just like to read a bit about people I talk to ) and my 'penpal' from Florida (the CP fan) is also originally from Finland! This is a weird day... Yes, when I've written more, I'll put it on fanfiction.net again...and I'll leave a message here or something.
Het is echt waar, ik heb het in m'n dromen zelf gezien.
I'll just say wow everytime I hear something new and really bizarre because yeah, I'm Finnish.What a strange coincidence. :D
Humphrey does have two kids - one son and one daughter. He apparently has a warmer relationship with his dog than his family.
shareReally? Where did you get that info from?
Het is echt waar, ik heb het in m'n dromen zelf gezien.
Go to www.yes-minister.com, and there should be some tabs at the top of the screen. Click on 'more' and then go down the column and click 'Lynn on YM' - it's question 8. Prepare to be disturbed.
shareThanks! That's a nice thing to refer to in my next fic...
Het is echt waar, ik heb het in m'n dromen zelf gezien.
Good to hear!!
Ha, that was quite funny. I have to say that I put Humphrey down as a Labrador/Golden Retriever sort of a man... and it's extra funny that I know someone from Haslemere who has a Labrador...maybe that was sort of a psychic connection. Or not :)
Where art thou, Claire?
Het is echt waar, ik heb het in m'n dromen zelf gezien.
And where art thou's most amusing fic which your adoring public were under the impression that it was finished? I know, I know, work overload. BIG work overload. I don't mean to be horrible, I know that loads of work causes loads of stress. But PLEASE update it? If you do we'll stop nagging you! *well until the next one anyway*
shareI'm sooooo sorry - you guys must hate me! I've just been snowed under with work and uni and everything! But its almost Christmas break so I'll be able to write up the rest of the Chemical Crisis and begin the next story!
I refuse to read that link becuase I've got Humphrey all planned our in my head! And there's a reason he doesn't have kids... all will be revealed!x :) If you nag me enough I might provide you with an overview of my other stories!x
Luv Claire!x
Britain's future Prime Minister
Yay! Thou art back! Can't wait to read your stuff...but I think I might already have mentioned that at some point... Anyway, meanwhile I've had the chance to put some of my writing skills *ahem* in practice by writing two scenes for our uni's Christmas Pantomime called Robin Hood and the Singing Nuns... *ahem* It's a really weird play, but it was fun to write and it's got lots of references to different British comedies in it, especially Blackadder...I even put some Yes Minister in (I couldn't resist). And I'm going to play two little parts in it myself...
Check the Panto poster here...
Het is echt waar, ik heb het in m'n dromen zelf gezien.
Yes, please, please pleeeeeease! I want to read your overview of the stories. And can't wait to hear about Humphrey. He's my favourite and I was kind of disappointed with Jonathan Lynn's explanation.
shareNag nag nag. No, just joking, I hate workloads. Especially as I now have to teach myself my entire chemistry book as I don't understand a single thing my teacher's saying. *cough* But I would love an overview of your stories - you do know that Humphrey's supposed to have kids, right? But if you want to change that, fine, as long as it doesn't turn into a soap opera. There's just a few things I'd like to say about you're stories - firstly, they're good. It was quite brave to put one up when there weren't any others for Yes Minister, and Bernard and Hen's relationship is absolutely adorable. I often check for updates (no, I'm not trying to nag you), and I'm glad that riekiebol started writing too, as they're both really good in their own ways. That having been said, I'd like to offer some constructive criticism, if you wouldn't mind.
I don't want to be mean or rude or anything, but I couldn't help noticing a few typos here and there. I know it's difficult 'cos it's so easy to type the wrong key and not notice, but if you want you could e-mail the chapters to me and I could check them over. For example, in one of your chapters you said 'She sensed that that everything was right between Humphrey and his wife', which I don't suppose you meant to say. Don't worry, there's only a few and they aren't at all bad, but sometimes they can take your attention away from the story. If you don't want me to beta - read, then don't worry, it's just a suggestion as you don't seem to have much time and you prefer to write things out by hand. But if you do want to, I'd be glad to help. My e-mail's [email protected].
Secondly, Hen is a pretty cool character. Like riekiebol said, sometimes I step away from the fic and remind myself that Hen isn't actually a character in the series. However, sometimes I feel as if she is coming close to being a Mary - Sue. You actually handled her character quite well compared to some of the fics I've seen - she doesn't immediately prove herself to be better than Humphrey, or have super powers, or some sort of sixth sense, and I could see her and Bernard's relationship growing throughout the chapter instead of them magically falling in love and snogging in the first chapter. But maybe you could tone down her beauty a little bit - I liked your latest chapter, but their reaction to her nightdress was a little Mary Sueish. There's nothing wrong with her being attractive, of course, but her being moderately attractive is fine. I like the fact that she's Humphrey's godaughter - it gives him a real reason to dislike the relationship, but maybe Hen has a little too much control over Humphrey. I know you explained this to me in one of the reviews, but Humphrey has been in the civil service all his life. He's an expert at throwing up smoke screens and arguing trivial points until everyone's forgotten the original point. He wouldn't have got so far so quickly if he'd proved he couldn't do these things. However I really like the way you showed that he has a tender side and dislays this towards Hen, and that could account for him not trying to confuse her or dismiss her opinions out of hand.
I know that Hen is a strong woman who won't just give in to anyone. The balance is really difficult to get - a female character who is strong enough to be interesting but not so fiery and strong willed that it becomes cliched. But anyway, I don't think that he would ask her whether or not he could sack Bernard, nor say it so openly. But then again, you've chosen to write about a fandom which has very complex characters, and it's difficult to get that across in quite a short space of time. But I think you have a good idea of what the characters are like and you show it through speech very well - just having Bernard say 'gosh' seemed so in character and it's small details like these that make you appreciate the writing even more. Bernard's still extremely endearing and lovely, Jim's oblivious but not too weak willed and Humphrey's critical and cynical whilst showing that he has a more tender side, which is cute.
Please don't take this too hard - I love reading your stories, and I think you've created some wonderful relationships between canon and original characters - Alex's personality was so different to what I was expecting, yet it seems to fit, and Hen should be stuck in the episodes. I understand that you're doing this for fun and that you're not taking it deadly seriously, which is fine. All I'm trying to do is give you a little feedback which may improve your writing, that's all. But let me say again that your fics are damn good and I really enjoy reading them, and I know I'll enjoy seeing the writing improve and the characters grow as you go on. Good luck and I hope your workload eases off soon!
Thanks for your feedback - its great thanks!x My friend who reads all my stuff first never criticises it so I'm always on the lookout for someone to help me out! I'm planning to take down a few chapters and repost them with corrections!
As for the bit with the reaction to Hen's nightdress being MarySueish, I couldn't stop laughing! (Sorry) Then I pancked - I really didn't want it to sound like that... hmmm! I have a picture of her in my mind and she's not a woman that people would immediately think of as attractive, and one would never immediately think "Wow she's gorgeous!". She's average height with curly auburn hair, glasses and a nice smile when she choses to do so! :) I wanted to make it sound more like shock that a "lady" such as herself would wander about a train in only a nightdress! If it didn't seem like that, then perhaps I'll change that chapter too!
And yes, you're dead right - I do only write for something to do - for fun, if I took writing seriously, I'd stop nicking other people's characters and write some of my own and start earning some money! Hehe!x :)
Anyway, I'll be updating soon!x
Luv Claire!x
Britain's future Prime Minister
Thanks, I'm glad you can take a little criticism. I was probably over-reacting to the Mary Sue thing, but this is the type of character I'm used to seeing - http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2536799/1/ . And the typos get so bad by chapter 4 that I can't understand what she's trying to say.
Okay, I understand what you mean about her not being a 'proper lady', but perhaps that part could have a little bit of redrafting. It just seems a bit like a reprisal of the admiration of her green dress- maybe just an extra line of dialogue, but it's okay as it is. Although I have great admiration for the fact that when she is first introduced in A Departmental Affair it wasn't -'she brushed her liquid diamond tears away with a long, elegant finger and wiped her chocolate eyes with a magical silk hanky that had been passed down through generations, which, by the way, made her part elf....' which is the kind of thing you find in most fandoms. Seriously.
May I make a request? If you have the time, could you possibly include a reference to Pedantic!Bernard?
And don't try and lie to me. Every time you say 'I'll update soon' you take a month! I'm in agony here!
Just joking. Heh. Heh.
Um I have a confession to make...
I've managed to get a bit bored with my Yes Minister fanfictions and try as I might to get write more, I can't ever seem to get in the mood these days... I made the mistake of starting a another story based on another comedy I like and its totally taken over...
I'm really sorry and it annoys the Hell out of me, but I just seem to have lost my Yes Minister muse...
Luv Claire!x
Britain's future Prime Minister
Which other comedy? *fetches beating stick* I guess you just left it too long. But I thought that a while back you said you'd finished it and just needed a spare hour or two to get it on line? I thought you'd written it out-
'I've finished it! I just need to find a spare hour or two to get it online!'
Obviously not.
I havd finsihed it! I wasn't happy with it though so I started to mess about with it and it was a bit disapointing. There was no way I was going to subject my loyal readers to something even I wasn't happy with! Its so annoying though because I had a great idea of where I wanted it to go and how I wanted it to finish, but I couldn't get there in a way that suited me... Pwrhaps I should just leave THe Departmental Affair as tetament to my tried and failed career as a Yes Minister fanfic writer??!x Hehe!
The other comedy I'm writing about is a series called Absolute Power which stars Stephen Fry (who I worship) and John Bird (who is one of the best sitirists around) and its set in a Public Relations company. Its brilliant, but I'm not sure if many people watch it!
One day I will return to Yes Minister, I never stay away too long :)
Luv Claire!x
Britain's future Prime Minister
Het is echt waar, ik heb het in m'n dromen zelf gezien.
I'm sorry
Oh while I'm here...
When I do come back to writing Yes Minister stories, would anyone like to volunteer to read through them, check my abysmal spelling and tell me ifthere's things that need to be changed. I think it would be cool if I made sure that everything was okay before I put it up on ff.net!x
Luv Claire!x
Britain's future Prime Minister
Um, yeah, I'd love to. I did offer a while ago, but maybe you missed it.
shareDid you? Sorry, must have missed it!x Thanks!x
Luv Claire!x
Britain's future Prime Minister