Somewhere in either "Yes Minister" or "Yes Prime Minister" is a hilarious "definition" of a term often used to describe unfriendly discussions:
"A Frank Exchange of Views" = "They are still mopping up the blood and carrying out the bodies."
I know I've read this but I can't find it. There may have been several other "definitions" of other terms used to describe meetings, conferences, etc. Can anyone help here?
Do you mean in the books or the episodes? Because there was something in one episode along the lines of Hacker telling Bernard that it was a frank meeting, and Bernard replies 'it's all right, they'll mop up the blood tomorrow morning'. Don't know if that's what you mean, but in the book they have several Civil Servant sayings and translations, which I can find for you, if you like.
Yes, I meant the books. I know I read that quote, but I can't find it again. I haven't seen all the episodes of the TV series, so I don't think I'm remembering it from that. I'd really appreciate any help.
Jd, because you've been so kind and helpful to me elsewhere here and I do have the book, I would be very happy to do some investigating in your behalf. I've only stumbled upon this, otherwise you'd have had your answer straightaway.