In "Who's Sara Now?" the blood test was inconclusive whether Sara was the daughter or not. How could it be? Ancestry and can identify my second cousins, not to mention my mother. It said definitely "mother" I am sure it would say that for my dad if he were alive and took the test.
Back in 1980 I don't think DNA testing was being done yet. I think Blood tests looked for more macroscopic markers.
FYI: DNA tests from 23 & me and Ancestry can be off on relations. I know someone who's Ancestry test identified him as possible father of someone who was looking.
When they went for a more professional DNA test, the lab asked about other siblings. He has two brothers, one is dead and cremated, the other refuses to take a test. Without their samples, the lab can't confirm which of the brothers is definitely the father. Doesn't help that they found out the mother had actually slept with all three brothers.
My mom thinks her father may be someone other than she thought, and he died so they can't test him, although R Quincy, ME, did an autopsy on cremated ashes.