Does anyone know...

A friend asked me to pose this question here. Can anyone shed some light? Thanks.

What is the painting in the scene where Bill Hayden follows George Smiley into his house and admires 2 pictures hanging in Smiley’s living room. The first one (an etching) Hayden identifies as a “Callo” but doesn’t ask or mention the painter of the second, which appears to be the scene of an English landscape.

"I told you a million times not to talk to me when I'm doing my lashes"!


Still asking...

I told you a million times not to talk to me when I'm doing my lashes!



Alas, I just picked up the book at the library yesterday...and am HOPING that the narrative in the book will solve various questions resulting from the filmed version.

Film at 11......reading.....reading...

One am hoping to solve is the Cailleux painting question---perhaps the book explains it. (That and many questions that resulted from the filmed version.)


I deleted my earlier post, because I've found the source artist for the etching:

I haven't found the precise image, but a quick look at some of his work suggests Jacques Callot is the man: acques+callot&gbv=2&oq=jacques+callot&gs_l=img.12...2215.5 756.0.8081. 6.468.emGktXzYQg8

I still haven't been able to source the painting, but a probable guess is that it's by an artist contemporaneous with Callot.


Thank you. I responded to your PM. I haven't looked here in a while...

I told you a million times not to talk to me when I'm doing my lashes!


I'll still continue to look for the painting. You've got me intrigued now, lol, and I love a good puzzle.

When and if I find anything, I'll let you know.


Thanks so much!

I told you a million times not to talk to me when I'm doing my lashes!
